Estate Plan Bequests
Making a donation to S.T.A.R.T. (Shelter Transport Animal Rescue Team) through your trust or will is a simple, flexible, long-lasting, and a BEAUTIFUL way to save animals’ lives.
There's a great option for you
Leave a specific dollar amount or asset to S.T.A.R.T. in your will.
Designate a percentage of your estate to be given to S.T.A.R.T through your will or living trust.
Give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate to S.T.A.R.T, or that which remains after bequests to your other designated beneficiaries have been made.
Leave a specific (noncash) gift to S.T.A.R.T.

The following are examples of typical language to include in your will/trust:
"I give and bequeath to S.T.A.R.T. (Shelter Transport Animal Rescue Team), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation TAX ID # 45-4258426 with mailing address of PO Box 4792, Valley Village, CA 91617,
The sum of _______."
_______% of my estate."
The residue of my estate after bequests to my other designated beneficiaries have been made, to be used for the accomplishment of START’s general purpose missions (or for a specific purpose as indicated)."
My 2020 Ford Motorhome."

Ways to draft your will or trust if you haven’t already done so:
If you haven’t drafted/executed a will or trust yet, contact an estate planning attorney. Your local Bar Association can be a good resource for finding attorneys near you.
We can’t say which choice is best for you, but we can say that having a will or trust (with a pour-over will) is an important step in planning for your future and that helping animals in your plans would be a lovely way to deepen your connection with a cause you (and we!) believe in. One often-used website for making a will (we have used it ourselves!) is:
Many have said that it is straightforward and easy for most people, but please check with your attorney and decide for yourself!

Consider protecting your pets with PET TRUSTS​
Consider a stand-alone PET TRUST, providing for your pets' future under the care of your chosen designee(s) who will act as trustee(s) to honor your wishes after you're gone and help guarantee your pets will never end up in a shelter. Many states (including California) have enacted PET TRUST legislation. Talk to your estate planning attorney for details.
Thank you for considering START as your benefactor. If you have any questions for us, please reach out to us by emailing rene@startrescue.org
If you add START to your Will (or you already have) please let us know!
Email Steve@startrescue.org
*The material presented in this website is intended as general educational information on the topics discussed and should not be regarded as legal, financial, or tax advice. Please seek the specific advice of your trust, probate, tax or advisor attorney, and/or financial planner to discuss the application of these topics to your individual situation.